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Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer PDF



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  • Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam
  • Last Update: May 14, 2024
  • Questions and Answers: 162
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Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Practice Exam Questions with Answers Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam Certification

Question # 6

You are currently planning how to display Cloud Monitoring metrics for your organization's Google Cloud projects. Your organization has three folders and six projects:

Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer question answer

You want to configure Cloud Monitoring dashboards lo only display metrics from the projects within one folder You need to ensure that the dashboards do not display metrics from projects in the other folders You want to follow Google-recommended practices What should you do?


Create a single new scoping project


Create new scoping projects for each folder


Use the current app-one-prod project as the scoping project


Use the current app-one-dev, app-one-staging and app-one-prod projects as the scoping project for each folder

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Question # 7

You support a user-facing web application When analyzing the application's error budget over the previous six months you notice that the application never consumed more than 5% of its error budget You hold a SLO review with business stakeholders and confirm that the SLO is set appropriately You want your application's reliability to more closely reflect its SLO What steps can you take to further that goal while balancing velocity, reliability, and business needs?

Choose 2 answers


Add more serving capacity to all of your application's zones


Implement and measure all other available SLIs for the application


Announce planned downtime to consume more error budget and ensure that users are not depending on a tighter SLO


Have more frequent or potentially risky application releases


Tighten the SLO to match the application's observed reliability

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Question # 8

You support a web application that runs on App Engine and uses CloudSQL and Cloud Storage for data storage. After a short spike in website traffic, you notice a big increase in latency for all user requests, increase in CPU use, and the number of processes running the application. Initial troubleshooting reveals:

After the initial spike in traffic, load levels returned to normal but users still experience high latency.

Requests for content from the CloudSQL database and images from Cloud Storage show the same high latency.

No changes were made to the website around the time the latency increased.

There is no increase in the number of errors to the users.

You expect another spike in website traffic in the coming days and want to make sure users don’t experience latency. What should you do?


Upgrade the GCS buckets to Multi-Regional.


Enable high availability on the CloudSQL instances.


Move the application from App Engine to Compute Engine.


Modify the App Engine configuration to have additional idle instances.

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Question # 9

Your application images are built using Cloud Build and pushed to Google Container Registry (GCR). You want to be able to specify a particular version of your application for deployment based on the release version tagged in source control. What should you do when you push the image?


Reference the image digest in the source control tag.


Supply the source control tag as a parameter within the image name.


Use Cloud Build to include the release version tag in the application image.


Use GCR digest versioning to match the image to the tag in source control.

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Question # 10

Your application services run in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). You want to make sure that only images from your centrally-managed Google Container Registry (GCR) image registry in the altostrat-images project can be deployed to the cluster while minimizing development time. What should you do?


Create a custom builder for Cloud Build that will only push images to


Use a Binary Authorization policy that includes the whitelist name pattern


Add logic to the deployment pipeline to check that all manifests contain only images from


Add a tag to each image in and check that this tag is present when the image is deployed.

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Question # 11

You are configuring the frontend tier of an application deployed in Google Cloud The frontend tier is hosted in ngmx and deployed using a managed instance group with an Envoy-based external HTTP(S) load balancer in front The application is deployed entirely within the europe-west2 region: and only serves users based in the United Kingdom. You need to choose the most cost-effective network tier and load balancing configuration What should you use?


Premium Tier with a global load balancer


Premium Tier with a regional load balancer


Standard Tier with a global load balancer


Standard Tier with a regional load balancer

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Question # 12

You are on-call for an infrastructure service that has a large number of dependent systems. You receive an alert indicating that the service is failing to serve most of its requests and all of its dependent systems with hundreds of thousands of users are affected. As part of your Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) incident management protocol, you declare yourself Incident Commander (IC) and pull in two experienced people from your team as Operations Lead (OLJ and Communications Lead (CL). What should you do next?


Look for ways to mitigate user impact and deploy the mitigations to production.


Contact the affected service owners and update them on the status of the incident.


Establish a communication channel where incident responders and leads can communicate with each other.


Start a postmortem, add incident information, circulate the draft internally, and ask internal stakeholders for input.

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Question # 13

Your company follows Site Reliability Engineering principles. You are writing a postmortem for an incident, triggered by a software change, that severely affected users. You want to prevent severe incidents from happening in the future. What should you do?


Identify engineers responsible for the incident and escalate to their senior management.


Ensure that test cases that catch errors of this type are run successfully before new software releases.


Follow up with the employees who reviewed the changes and prescribe practices they should follow in the future.


Design a policy that will require on-call teams to immediately call engineers and management to discuss a plan of action if an incident occurs.

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Question # 14

You are deploying an application to Cloud Run. The application requires a password to start. Your organization requires that all passwords are rotated every 24 hours, and your application must have the latest password. You need to deploy the application with no downtime. What should you do?


Store the password in Secret Manager and send the secret to the application by using environment variables.


Store the password in Secret Manager and mount the secret as a volume within the application.


Use Cloud Build to add your password into the application container at build time. Ensure that Artifact Registry is secured from public access.


Store the password directly in the code. Use Cloud Build to rebuild and deploy the application each time the password changes.

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Question # 15

You are writing a postmortem for an incident that severely affected users. You want to prevent similar incidents in the future. Which two of the following sections should you include in the postmortem? (Choose two.)


An explanation of the root cause of the incident


A list of employees responsible for causing the incident


A list of action items to prevent a recurrence of the incident


Your opinion of the incident’s severity compared to past incidents


Copies of the design documents for all the services impacted by the incident

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Question # 16

Your company has a Google Cloud resource hierarchy with folders for production test and development Your cyber security team needs to review your company's Google Cloud security posture to accelerate security issue identification and resolution You need to centralize the logs generated by Google Cloud services from all projects only inside your production folder to allow for alerting and near-real time analysis. What should you do?


Enable the Workflows API and route all the logs to Cloud Logging


Create a central Cloud Monitoring workspace and attach all related projects


Create an aggregated log sink associated with the production folder that uses a Pub Sub topic as the destination


Create an aggregated log sink associated with the production folder that uses a Cloud Logging bucket as the destination

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Question # 17

You support a high-traffic web application with a microservice architecture. The home page of the application displays multiple widgets containing content such as the current weather, stock prices, and news headlines. The main serving thread makes a call to a dedicated microservice for each widget and then lays out the homepage for the user. The microservices occasionally fail; when that happens, the serving thread serves the homepage with some missing content. Users of the application are unhappy if this degraded mode occurs too frequently, but they would rather have some content served instead of no content at all. You want to set a Service Level Objective (SLO) to ensure that the user experience does not degrade too much. What Service Level Indicator {SLI) should you use to measure this?


A quality SLI: the ratio of non-degraded responses to total responses


An availability SLI: the ratio of healthy microservices to the total number of microservices


A freshness SLI: the proportion of widgets that have been updated within the last 10 minutes


A latency SLI: the ratio of microservice calls that complete in under 100 ms to the total number of microservice calls

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Question # 18

You use Spinnaker to deploy your application and have created a canary deployment stage in the pipeline. Your application has an in-memory cache that loads objects at start time. You want to automate the comparison of the canary version against the production version. How should you configure the canary analysis?


Compare the canary with a new deployment of the current production version.


Compare the canary with a new deployment of the previous production version.


Compare the canary with the existing deployment of the current production version.


Compare the canary with the average performance of a sliding window of previous production versions.

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Question # 19

You are building and running client applications in Cloud Run and Cloud Functions Your client requires that all logs must be available for one year so that the client can import the logs into their logging service You must minimize required code changes What should you do?


Update all images in Cloud Run and all functions in Cloud Functions to send logs to both Cloud Logging and

the client's logging service Ensure that all the ports required to send logs are open in the VPC firewall


Create a Pub/Sub topic subscription and logging sink Configure the logging sink to send all logs into the

topic Give your client access to the topic to retrieve the logs


Create a storage bucket and appropriate VPC firewall rules Update all images in Cloud Run and all

functions in Cloud Functions to send logs to a file within the storage bucket


Create a logs bucket and logging sink. Set the retention on the logs bucket to 365 days Configure the

logging sink to send logs to the bucket Give your client access to the bucket to retrieve the logs

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Question # 20

A third-party application needs to have a service account key to work properly When you try to export the key from your cloud project you receive an error "The organization policy constraint larn.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation is enforcedM You need to make the third-party application work while following Google-recommended security practices What should you do?


Enable the default service account key. and download the key


Remove the iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation policy at the organization level, and create a key.


Disable the service account key creation policy at the project's folder, and download the default key


Add a rule to set the iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation policy to off in your project and create a key.

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Question # 21

You are responsible for the reliability of a high-volume enterprise application. A large number of users report that an important subset of the application’s functionality – a data intensive reporting feature – is consistently failing with an HTTP 500 error. When you investigate your application’s dashboards, you notice a strong correlation between the failures and a metric that represents the size of an internal queue used for generating reports. You trace the failures to a reporting backend that is experiencing high I/O wait times. You quickly fix the issue by resizing the backend’s persistent disk (PD). How you need to create an availability Service Level Indicator (SLI) for the report generation feature. How would you define it?


As the I/O wait times aggregated across all report generation backends


As the proportion of report generation requests that result in a successful response


As the application’s report generation queue size compared to a known-good threshold


As the reporting backend PD throughout capacity compared to a known-good threshold

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Question # 22

You are creating Cloud Logging sinks to export log entries from Cloud Logging to BigQuery for future analysis Your organization has a Google Cloud folder named Dev that contains development projects and a folder named Prod that contains production projects Log entries for development projects must be exported to dev_dataset. and log entries for production projects must be exported to prod_dataset You need to minimize the number of log sinks created and you want to ensure that the log sinks apply to future projects What should you do?


Create a single aggregated log sink at the organization level.


Create a log sink in each project


Create two aggregated log sinks at the organization level, and filter by project ID


Create an aggregated Iog sink in the Dev and Prod folders

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Question # 23

Your application images are built and pushed to Google Container Registry (GCR). You want to build an automated pipeline that deploys the application when the image is updated while minimizing the development effort. What should you do?


Use Cloud Build to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.


Use a custom builder in Cloud Build to trigger a Jenkins pipeline.


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a custom deployment service running in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

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Question # 24

You need to create a Cloud Monitoring SLO for a service that will be published soon. You want to verify that requests to the service will be addressed in fewer than 300 ms at least 90% Of the time per calendar month. You need to identify the metric and evaluation method to use. What should you do?


Select a latency metric for a request-based method of evaluation.


Select a latency metric for a window-based method of evaluation.


Select an availability metric for a request-based method of evaluation.


Select an availability metric for a window-based method Of evaluation.

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Question # 25

Your company runs applications in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) that are deployed following a GitOps methodology.

Application developers frequently create cloud resources to support their applications. You want to give developers the ability to manage infrastructure as code, while ensuring that you follow Google-recommended practices. You need to ensure that infrastructure as code reconciles periodically to avoid configuration drift. What should you do?


Install and configure Config Connector in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).


Configure Cloud Build with a Terraform builder to execute plan and apply commands.


Create a Pod resource with a Terraform docker image to execute terraform plan and terraform apply commands.


Create a Job resource with a Terraform docker image to execute terraforrm plan and terraform apply commands.

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Question # 26

You are deploying an application that needs to access sensitive information. You need to ensure that this information is encrypted and the risk of exposure is minimal if a breach occurs. What should you do?


Store the encryption keys in Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) and rotate the keys frequently


Inject the secret at the time of instance creation via an encrypted configuration management system.


Integrate the application with a Single sign-on (SSO) system and do not expose secrets to the application


Leverage a continuous build pipeline that produces multiple versions of the secret for each instance of the application.

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Question # 27

You created a Stackdriver chart for CPU utilization in a dashboard within your workspace project. You want to share the chart with your Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team only. You want to ensure you follow the principle of least privilege. What should you do?


Share the workspace Project ID with the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Monitoring Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Share the workspace Project ID with the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Dashboard Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Click "Share chart by URL" and provide the URL to the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Monitoring Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Click "Share chart by URL" and provide the URL to the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Dashboard Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.

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Question # 28

Your company runs applications in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Several applications rely on ephemeral volumes. You noticed some applications were unstable due to the DiskPressure node condition on the worker nodes. You need

to identify which Pods are causing the issue, but you do not have execute access to workloads and nodes. What should you do?


Check the node/ephemeral_storage/used_bytes metric by using Metrics Explorer.


Check the metric by using Metrics Explorer.


Locate all the Pods with emptyDir volumes. use the df-h command to measure volume disk usage.


Locate all the Pods with emptyDir volumes. Use the du -sh * command to measure volume disk usage.

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Question # 29

You use Cloud Build to build and deploy your application. You want to securely incorporate database credentials and other application secrets into the build pipeline. You also want to minimize the development effort. What should you do?


Create a Cloud Storage bucket and use the built-in encryption at rest. Store the secrets in the bucket and grant Cloud Build access to the bucket.


Encrypt the secrets and store them in the application repository. Store a decryption key in a separate repository and grant Cloud Build access to the repository.


Use client-side encryption to encrypt the secrets and store them in a Cloud Storage bucket. Store a decryption key in the bucket and grant Cloud Build access to the bucket.


Use Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) to encrypt the secrets and include them in your Cloud Build deployment configuration. Grant Cloud Build access to the KeyRing.

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Question # 30

You recently deployed your application in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and now need to release a new version of the application You need the ability to instantly roll back to the previous version of the application in case there are issues with the new version Which deployment model should you use?


Perform a rolling deployment and test your new application after the deployment is complete


Perform A. B testing, and test your application periodically after the deployment is complete


Perform a canary deployment, and test your new application periodically after the new version is deployed


Perform a blue/green deployment and test your new application after the deployment is complete

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Question # 31

Your company runs services by using multiple globally distributed Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters Your operations team has set up workload monitoring that uses Prometheus-based tooling for metrics alerts: and generating dashboards This setup does not provide a method to view metrics globally across all clusters You need to implement a scalable solution to support global Prometheus querying and minimize management overhead What should you do?


Configure Prometheus cross-service federation for centralized data access


Configure workload metrics within Cloud Operations for GKE


Configure Prometheus hierarchical federation for centralized data access


Configure Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus

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Question # 32

You are designing a system with three different environments: development, quality assurance (QA), and production.

Each environment will be deployed with Terraform and has a Google Kubemetes Engine (GKE) cluster created so that application teams can deploy their applications. Anthos Config Management will be used and templated to deploy

infrastructure level resources in each GKE cluster. All users (for example, infrastructure operators and application owners) will use GitOps. How should you structure your source control repositories for both Infrastructure as Code (laC) and application code?


Cloud Infrastructure (Terraform) repository is shared: different directories are different environments GKE Infrastructure (Anthos Config Management Kustomize manifests) repository is shared: different overlay directories are different environments Application (app source code) repositories are separated: different branches are different features


Cloud Infrastructure (Terraform) repository is shared: different directories are different environments GKE Infrastructure (Anthos Config Management Kustomize manifests) repositories are separated: different branches are different environments Application (app source code) repositories are separated: different branches are different features


Cloud Infrastructure (Terraform) repository is shared: different branches are different environments GKE Infrastructure (Anthos Config Management Kustomize manifests) repository is shared: different overlay directories are different environments Application (app source code) repository is shared: different directories are different features


Cloud Infrastructure (Terraform) repositories are separated: different branches are different environments GKE Infrastructure (Anthos Config Management Kustomize manifests) repositories are separated: different overlay directories are different environments Application (app source code) repositories are separated: different branches are different features

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Question # 33

Your application artifacts are being built and deployed via a CI/CD pipeline. You want the CI/CD pipeline to securely access application secrets. You also want to more easily rotate secrets in case of a security breach. What should you do?


Prompt developers for secrets at build time. Instruct developers to not store secrets at rest.


Store secrets in a separate configuration file on Git. Provide select developers with access to the configuration file.


Store secrets in Cloud Storage encrypted with a key from Cloud KMS. Provide the CI/CD pipeline with access to Cloud KMS via IAM.


Encrypt the secrets and store them in the source code repository. Store a decryption key in a separate repository and grant your pipeline access to it

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Question # 34

Your team of Infrastructure DevOps Engineers is growing, and you are starting to use Terraform to manage infrastructure. You need a way to implement code versioning and to share code with other team members. What should you do?


Store the Terraform code in a version-control system. Establish procedures for pushing new versions and merging with the master.


Store the Terraform code in a network shared folder with child folders for each version release. Ensure that everyone works on different files.


Store the Terraform code in a Cloud Storage bucket using object versioning. Give access to the bucket to every team member so they can download the files.


Store the Terraform code in a shared Google Drive folder so it syncs automatically to every team member’s computer. Organize files with a naming convention that identifies each new version.

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Question # 35

You are leading a DevOps project for your organization. The DevOps team is responsible for managing the service infrastructure and being on-call for incidents. The Software Development team is responsible for writing, submitting, and reviewing code. Neither team has any published SLOs. You want to design a new joint-ownership model for a service between the DevOps team and the Software Development team. Which responsibilities should be assigned to each team in the new joint-ownership model?

Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer question answer


Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

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Question # 36

Your company is using HTTPS requests to trigger a public Cloud Run-hosted service accessible at the https://booking-engine-abcdef URL You need to give developers the ability to test the latest revisions of the service before the service is exposed to customers What should you do?


Runthegcioud run deploy booking-engine —no-traffic —-ag dev command Use the https://dev----booking-engine-abcdef. a. run. app URL for testing


Runthegcioud run services update-traffic booking-engine —to-revisions LATEST*! command Use the ht tps: //booking-engine-abcdef. a. run. ape URL for testing


Pass the curl -K "Authorization: Hearer S(gclcud auth print-identity-token)" auth token Use the https: / /booking-engine-abcdef. a. run. app URL to test privately


Grant the roles/run. invoker role to the developers testing the booking-engine service Use the https: //booking-engine-abcdef. private. run. app URL for testing

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Question # 37

You are the Site Reliability Engineer responsible for managing your company's data services and products. You regularly navigate operational challenges, such as unpredictable data volume and high cost, with your company's data ingestion processes. You recently learned that a new data ingestion product will be developed in Google Cloud. You need to collaborate with the product development team to provide operational input on the new product. What should you do?


Deploy the prototype product in a test environment, run a load test, and share the results with the product development team.


When the initial product version passes the quality assurance phase and compliance assessments, deploy the product to a staging environment. Share error logs and performance metrics with the product development team.


When the new product is used by at least one internal customer in production, share error logs and monitoring metrics with the product development team.


Review the design of the product with the product development team to provide feedback early in the design phase.

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Question # 38

Your company is developing applications that are deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Each team manages a different application. You need to create the development and production environments for each team, while minimizing costs. Different teams should not be able to access other teams’ environments. What should you do?


Create one GCP Project per team. In each project, create a cluster for Development and one for Production. Grant the teams IAM access to their respective clusters.


Create one GCP Project per team. In each project, create a cluster with a Kubernetes namespace for Development and one for Production. Grant the teams IAM access to their respective clusters.


Create a Development and a Production GKE cluster in separate projects. In each cluster, create a Kubernetes namespace per team, and then configure Identity Aware Proxy so that each team can only access its own namespace.


Create a Development and a Production GKE cluster in separate projects. In each cluster, create a Kubernetes namespace per team, and then configure Kubernetes Role-based access control (RBAC) so that each team can only access its own namespace.

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Question # 39

Your company runs an ecommerce website built with JVM-based applications and microservice architecture in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) The application load increases during the day and decreases during the night Your operations team has configured the application to run enough Pods to handle the evening peak load You want to automate scaling by only running enough Pods and nodes for the load What should you do?


Configure the Vertical Pod Autoscaler but keep the node pool size static


Configure the Vertical Pod Autoscaler and enable the cluster autoscaler


Configure the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler but keep the node pool size static


Configure the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and enable the cluster autoscaler

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Question # 40

You encounter a large number of outages in the production systems you support. You receive alerts for all the outages that wake you up at night. The alerts are due to unhealthy systems that are automatically restarted within a minute. You want to set up a process that would prevent staff burnout while following Site Reliability Engineering practices. What should you do?


Eliminate unactionable alerts.


Create an incident report for each of the alerts.


Distribute the alerts to engineers in different time zones.


Redefine the related Service Level Objective so that the error budget is not exhausted.

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Question # 41

Your organization recently adopted a container-based workflow for application development. Your team develops numerous applications that are deployed continuously through an automated build pipeline to a Kubernetes cluster in the production environment. The security auditor is concerned that developers or operators could circumvent automated testing and push code changes to production without approval. What should you do to enforce approvals?


Configure the build system with protected branches that require pull request approval.


Use an Admission Controller to verify that incoming requests originate from approved sources.


Leverage Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict access to only approved users.


Enable binary authorization inside the Kubernetes cluster and configure the build pipeline as an attestor.

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Question # 42

Your company experiences bugs, outages, and slowness in its production systems. Developers use the production environment for new feature development and bug fixes. Configuration and experiments are done in the production environment, causing outages for users. Testers use the production environment for load testing, which often slows the production systems. You need to redesign the environment to reduce the number of bugs and outages in production and to enable testers to load test new features. What should you do?


Create an automated testing script in production to detect failures as soon as they occur.


Create a development environment with smaller server capacity and give access only to developers and testers.


Secure the production environment to ensure that developers can't change it and set up one controlled update per year.


Create a development environment for writing code and a test environment for configurations, experiments, and load testing.

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Question # 43

You need to define SLOs for a high-traffic web application. Customers are currently happy with the application performance and availability. Based on current measurement, the 90th percentile Of latency is 160 ms and the 95th

percentile of latency is 300 ms over a 28-day window. What latency SLO should you publish?


90th percentile - 150 ms

95th percentile - 290 ms


90th percentile - 160 ms

95th percentile - 300 ms


90th percentile - 190 ms

95th percentile - 330 ms


90th percentile - 300 ms

95th percentile - 450 ms

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Question # 44

You have a set of applications running on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, and you are using Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring. You are bringing a new containerized application required by your company into production. This application is written by a third party and cannot be modified or reconfigured. The application writes its log information to /var/log/app_messages.log, and you want to send these log entries to Stackdriver Logging. What should you do?


Use the default Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring agent configuration.


Deploy a Fluentd daemonset to GKE. Then create a customized input and output configuration to tail the log file in the application's pods and write to Slackdriver Logging.


Install Kubernetes on Google Compute Engine (GCE> and redeploy your applications. Then customize the built-in Stackdriver Logging configuration to tail the log file in the application's pods and write to Stackdriver Logging.


Write a script to tail the log file within the pod and write entries to standard output. Run the script as a sidecar container with the application's pod. Configure a shared volume between the containers to allow the script to have read access to /var/log in the application container.

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